World of Knives
+41 32 322 97 55

Knife Academy: Workshop Knife sharpening

                    Professionelles Schärfen Knife Academy
                    sknife Schleifgerät auch für japanische und Solinger Messer
                    Knife Academy: knife sharpening with electric knife sharpenerr
                    Knife Academy: knife sharpening with wet stone
                    Caminada Messer schärfen
                    Knife Academy: knife sharpening with leather strop

If the own weight of a knife does not cut a tomato anymore it is time the sharpen it. Often the know-how is lacking for this. As a distributor of knives and cutlery CeCo ltd. - world-of-knives offers – in addition to high-quality regrinding centres for a professional sharpening service – with the Knife Academy a workshop to sharpen knives professionally. Knife specialist Michael Bach shows the craftsmanship of traditional knife sharpening.

Content Workshop Knife sharpening like a pro
• Correct and professional handling, care and maintenance of the knives
• Various sharpening tools and techniques:
  electric knife sharpener, grinding stone, sharpener or even leather strop or sknife knife sharpener
• Sharpen your own 2 - 3 favorite kitchen knives as sharp as a razor blade

For being able to offer an individual and professional assistance the workshop is limited to max. 20 participants. Get in touch with us to reserve your seat and bring your own knives for sharpening. Grinding stones and accessories can be bought after the workshop.

Participation fee: CHF 50.— (a useful gift voucher)

Monday, 7th April 2024, 17:00 h - 19:00 h, CeCo ltd, Neuengasse 5, 2502 Biel
Monday, 2nd June 2025, 17:00 h - 19:00 h, CeCo ltd, Neuengasse 5, 2502 Biel
Monday, 11th August 2025, 17:00 h - 19:00 h, CeCo ltd, Neuengasse 5, 2502 Biel
Monday, 22nd September 2025, 17:00 h - 19:00 h, CeCo ltd, Neuengasse 5, 2502 Biel

Appointment: please send your contact details with your required date by e-mail to contact@ceco.ch

Would you like also to gain insight into a Swiss knife manufacturer? Then sign up for the sknife open knife manufactory held just before (4:30 pm - 5:00 pm).

The sharp knife

Knife Academy externally – here a skills course in knife handling and sharpening, which took place in Chuchilade in Solothurn headed by Michael Bach.